Mo & Mo en Route – Bites Sound Bites Getting chewed up by Sound Bites? They do sell, and they tend to distort rather than forward the national or global debate.
Mo & Mo en Route – Trust Trust The Panama Papers, political shenanigans, it makes it hard to trust. We need to trust, trust what we can do.
Mo & Mo en Route – Prob Problem Solve Problems in the world aren’t unique to a group as advertised, everyone has to solve them.
Mo & Mo en Route – Reap Sow – Reap There’s a lot of sowing of very bad things, with hope that somehow good fruit will come of it. It just doesn’t work that way.
Mo & Mo en Route – AI? Is Intelligence Artificial? Artificial Intelligence is in the news with little agreement on what intelligence actually is. Can intelligence be artificial?
Mo & Mo en Route – Watching Who’s Watching Who? With fears and skepticism regarding government surveillance at a high, the amount of personal info we willingly hand over or broadcast is truly frightening.
Mo & Mo en Route – VvR Virtual Reality A lot of hype, time and money is being spent on VR… maybe we can channel the same to working on real reality.
Mo & Mo en Route – Greedy Greedy Selling greed as a path to greatness does not add up. OK, a lot doesn’t add up in this race. Welcome to Campaign 2016.
Mo & Mo en Route – Sponsored Fake News I understand the need for ads, but “Sponsored News”? Deception to get folks to read? The news doesn’t need less integrity.
Mo & Mo en Route – Class Airline Inequality The airlines do all they can to forward the discussion of Economic Inequality.