Mo & Mo en Route – Whataboutisms Whataboutisms Whataboutery is being taken to new heights, what about we give it a rest… a very long rest.
Mo & Mo en Route – Infrastructure Infrastructure So we don’t need power, water, internet or education to move forward?
Mo & Mo en Route – Unaccountable Unaccountable This year we’ve watched too much, but still search for things to watch, and yet grow tired of watching a lot of it.
Mo & Mo en Route – Wake Up Wake Up Fear of losing power and desire for the dollar actually threatens Democracy itself. n
Mo & Mo en Route – Norm… Norm… We might be heading into a summer that looks more like normal, but certain things you just can’t mask.
Mo & Mo en Route – Rotten Rotten Legislatures across the nation are taking up important issues… Recovery? Healing? The future? Nope…
Mo & Mo en Route – Rebrand Rebrand Say what you will about the ex-President, but he has always worked very hard on the marketing of himself.
I Protest I Protest There is much to protest, everywhere it seems, it’s a necessary step, despite the resistance to the resistance.