Mo & Mo en Route – Is it? Is it? These days there is so much we are debating… “Is it?” or “Isn’t it?”
Mo & Mo en Route – Special Gift Special Gift Shopping season has started. And guess what? It’s not about being on the best seller list.
Mo & Mo en Route – No Puppet? No Puppet? Puppets and lies, haven’t I heard this one before? …Time for something new.
Mo & Mo en Route – Exhausting Exhausting Can’t let exhaustion morph to cynicism… keep on keeping on. Mo & Mo en Route – Exhausting
Mo & Mo en Route – Reruns Reruns I think we have seen this movie before, and it doesn’t get any better.
Mo & Mo en Route – Whistleblower Whistleblower… It’s a warning, an alert, look out, get out of the way, that is why we have whistles to blow. Don’t ignore it or attack it. Mo & Mo en Route – Whistleblower
Mo & Mo en Route – Quid Pro Quo Quid Pro Quo In Latin, Quid Pro Quo means “Something for Something”… Is that what this is?
Mo & Mo en Route – Aggrieved Aggrieved So, you reap what you sow, and so it goes… Mo & Mo en Route – Aggrieved
Mo & Mo en Route – Fire Fire What do you call a person who starts fires, so they can be the one to put them out… if only they were able?
Mo & Mo en Route – Truth Good Truth Good We seem to love lies, the denial, avoidance, the fun of it. But we also know, that never ends well.