Mo & Mo en Route – Oath Oath The oath, the priority, the Constitution, if you follow the principle, you are solid, and if you don’t, just look at the mess.
Mo & Mo en Route – Jump Jump In a desperate need for metaphors to describe what we are going through; it all boils down to the need just to do something about it. Mo & Mo en Route – Jump
Mo & Mo en Route – No Middle? NoMiddle? We have ping-pong politics, a political pendulum swinging from one side to the other… Mo & Mo en Route – No Middle?
Mo & Mo en Route – Havoc Havoc Storms seem to have a season. With politics, we have storm season year-round. Mo & Mo en Route – Havoc
Mo & Mo en Route – Rage In a Rage The “internet” is in a perpetual rage, and sometimes with good reason, and a lot of the time not-so-much.
Mo & Mo en Route – Mentality Mentality A clear majority of Americans want common sense gun control. So, how to move Congress to be in line with their constituents, as oppose to the money? Hint, it starts with a “V”…vote!
Mo & Mo en Route – Trolls Trolls The troll’s game is fear and loathing on the web, to keep us from giving action to our good… As they say, fool me once… fool me twice?
Mo & Mo en Route – Matches Violence and hate need no encouragement, and doing so for personal gain? …SAD!
Mo & Mo en Route – See See The late Harry Nilsson said, “The thing is you see what you wanna see and you hear what you wanna hear. You dig? ” …but at what cost?