Mo & Mo en Route – It Ain’t Easy It Ain’t Easy So it’s all easy? When was that? When will we stop buying this “easy” thing?
Mo & Mo en Route – Indefensible Indefensible When you get it wrong or know it’s wrong. Don’t justify or defend it, just get it right.
Mo & Mo en Route – Parroting Parroting Towing the Party Line is one thing, but I do believe this is something else altogether… Like we’ve never seen before.
Mo & Mo en Route – Doesn’t Make It Doesn’t Make It You might try to call it what you want, but it is what it is, and saying it doesn’t make it so.
Mo & Mo en Route – Acting Acting A lot of folks are “acting” in this administration, is this administration acting or an acting administration?
Mo & Mo en Route – Full Full We are all full up? A lot of noise, a lot of crazy, so have we had enough? Mo & Mo en Route – Full
Mo & Mo en Route – Socialism The Socialism Thing There’s a renewed debate about Socialism and Capitalism, is it about which one? Do we really have Capitalism? Is it either or?
Mo & Mo en Route – Tweet Storm Tweet Storm The weekend Tweet Storm, chalk it up to Climate Change, Late Winter Blues stuck in D.C., or maybe it’s idle hands are the devil’s handy work.
Mo & Mo en Route – New Measure? New Measure? The resurrecting of old tropes, and employing excuses and what-aboutism wants to enshrine this as a new standard of discourse.