Mo & Mo en Route – Lying Mo & Mo en Route – A Lying Lie To call real fake and fake real… Truth or a lie, one you can build on, the other fails and falls.
Mo & Mo en Route – Self-Talk Self-Talking A lot of important conversations happening, but it sometime seems like a lot of talking to ourselves. A little listening and learning goes a long way.
Mo & Mo en Route – Stooge Russian Stooge 13 indictments for election meddling were handed down, now about the witting and unwitting accomplices.
Mo & Mo en Route – Apply Rules Apply You wonder if the rules still apply anymore, but the rule of law has reason, purpose and effect… deal.
Mo & Mo en Route – Memos Memos War by memo? Who misplaced intelligent, factual, process and debate? No, really, where is it?
Mo & Mo en Route – SOTU SOTU At the end of SOTU, a call for unity, but during SOTU, more division… more words won’t deliver.
Mo & Mo en Route – Broke Broke This first year of the administration has put the funk in dysfunction. It has achieved more acrimony than accomplishments. Three to go…
Mo & Mo en Route – Equivocation Mass Equivocation Truth is not ambiguous, though some pretend it is. Equivocation won’t change a thing, except your integrity.
Mo & Mo en Route – Failing Falling Are you keeping up? The environment, the political environment, a lot of change, a lot of things falling.
Mo & Mo en Route – Forecast Weather Forecast What is worse these days, the weather or politics? Both could use some good work. How do we improve our forecast?