Mo & Mo en Route – Numb Numbness… Politics are a mess, it’s constant, leaving you numb, but just keep going.
Mo & Mo en Route – 1Week In Just one week So much happening in such a small space of time, just not what we were hoping for.
Mo & Mo en Route – Deja Déjà Vu, again? It may seem so, but this is not normal, this is not OK. Yes we can talk, yes we can do something.
Mo & Mo en Route – No-Hate Speak No Hate Best way to take back hate speech? Don’t tweet, or speak it in the first place.
Mo & Mo en Route – Uneasy? Feeling Uneasy Lately? Is this unpredictable or unclear or just unsettling?
Mo & Mo en Route – FR Facial Recognition? Ain’t tech great, love it… But never stop asking questions.
Mo & Mo en Route – I v AI Real v. Artificial Intelligence The race for AI is on… so why are we neglecting real intelligence?
Mo & Mo en Route – Great? What’s Great? So what is Great? The amazing display of humanity and care in Houston, now that is great. Now to follow the example.
Mo & Mo en Route – Isms Enough “ISM”s for ya’? Trump’s sure talking about “ISM”s these days, seems kind of fond of them though.
Mo & Mo en Route – Vaca A Vacation? You’re supposed to feel relaxed after a vacation. But who’s feeling relaxed after Trump’s vacation?