Mo & Mo en Route – Tweet Storm

Tweet Storm

The weekend Tweet Storm, chalk it up to Climate Change, Late Winter Blues stuck in D.C., or maybe it’s idle hands are the devil’s handy work.

This weekend Trump drops tons of Tweets… 49. Ranting on Fox News for suspending sycophants. And on Fox Folks who aren’t sycophants. On Fake News,
On Dems, Republicans, UAW, GM, SNL and LNS (Late Night Shows) 
On Mueller, Hilary, Christopher Steele, Andrew Weissmann, Andrew McCabe, John McCain (RIP) and on Ilhan Omar… 
On France, Google, the Russia Probe… On New Zealand Attacks… e says Don’t blame me.
I don’t hear anything hitting bottom. How low can we go? I do not know…

One thought on “Mo & Mo en Route – Tweet Storm”

  1. Thanks, Jim. Sadly, we need mo’ and mo’ of Mo & Mo’s insights concerning the actions of the occupant of the White House. Looking forward to when Mo & Mo have happier things to ponder.

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