Mo & Mo en Route – Brackets Brackets How is it that we have a party that sets a whole new standard for being a candidate.
Mo & Mo en Route – Double Down Double Down The GOP following their fearful leader… believe it doesn’t matter if it is true, “If you say it enough and keep saying it, they’ll start to believe you.”
Mo & Mo en Route – Democracy cont. Democracy cont. Closed primaries, winner takes all delegate distribution? It’s like the Parties don’t want popular candidates.
Mo & Mo en Route – Speaker Speaker With crisis in the world, the budget and the border… the speaker sleeps.
Mo & Mo en Route – Presidents Presidents Celebrate Presidents Day, Washington’s Birthday… The GOP celebrates, but with what “Great Again” are they thinking?
Mo & Mo en Route – Minority Minority Minority Rule?… “That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.”