Mo & Mo en Route – Stories Stories Education is again a hot button, be it Big Bird or book banning to CRT. How about telling the whole story.
Mo & Mo en Route – Holes Why is it that “misinformation” (now there’s a euphemism) and group lies are so popular and prolific?
Mo & Mo en Route – Costumes? Costumes? Halloween was the one time where masks seem normal, but wearing an insurgency gets old real fast.
Mo & Mo en Route – Game On Game On You spend money, then hum and haw about whether you want to pay for what you bought. News alert, not a game!
Mo & Mo en Route – Broke Broke Not satisfied with being the opposition party, if they can’t have it, they just break it.
Mo & Mo en Route – Winner is… Winner is… The Emmy’s were Sunday, they were in person, but back to normal?
Mo & Mo en Route – Mandate Mandate They lose the popular vote, then for four years scream, “WE HAVE A MANDATE!” Now they get an actual mandate, and don’t want anything to do with it.